[CLOSED] ☕ Brandon Berner's Coffee Fund ☕

Hahaha! I can see that :joy:

Stick to roasting coffee beans :stuck_out_tongue:

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@BrandonBerner lol i wonder how can you drink so much coffe , i can’t drink coffe if im doing low physical activity jobs it makes me anxios and i want to jump from my chair and smoke a cig every 5mins or do pushups ;D though i love coffe

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I feel the same way, but I guess I just channel all that energy into my brain and fingers and they go to work. It could also be due to the amount I drink as you become more tolerant,

Caffeine effects everyone differently.

  • it may be that you have a very fast mobilization which would results in faster absorption of caffeine.

  • It may be that you use lots of cream in your coffee which has a high fat content and allow caffeine to absorb better.

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Cheers Brandon - its not much but it should buy you a cup of coffee. Your contributions here are enormously valuable. I’ve only been browsing MPSocial for a couple of weeks but your posts already have helped more than 95% of other research I’ve done. Cheers mate.

Thank you for contributing to my coffee fund @SwagWaffle :smiley:

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I am so glad to hear I have been able to help you with my posts. Now its time for you to implement what you have learned! :smiley:

Thanks @ghostch for the contribution to my coffee fund :smiley:

I figured you could use extra coffee during this crisis. I appreciate all you do.

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WOW! Thank you very much for the contribution to my coffee fund, and the appreciation of what I do :slight_smile:

Thats a lot of coffee :smiley:

If anyone has made a donation to my coffee fund, and have not been listed on The Wall Of Awesomeness, please let me know so I can add you :smiley:

Mate, you are a great marketer. That I cannot argue. I have some extra $$$ and will buy you coffee in a while. Oh wait, do you accept virtual flowers too?

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Donated for coffee and extras as you please (under Leon B).
Thanks for your presence in here mate!


[quote=“SorryNotSorry, post:91, topic:5683, full:true”]
Mate, you are a great marketer. That I cannot argue. I have some extra $$$ and will buy you coffee in a while.[/quote]

Thank you very much for the complement :smiley:

Remember there is no obligation at all. Its always appreciated though :slight_smile:

Haha, only if those flowers are still in “bud” form :smiley: <— Stoner reference

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Thank you very much for the donation my my coffee fund :smiley:

You are so welcome & thanks for your appreciation. Ill keep the posts coming!

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Thanks for all the tips. :rose: :rose: :rose: :rose:

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You are so welcome & thanks for your appreciation! Thank you very much for keeping my coffee pot full :smiley:

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No longer possible to donate?

Why would you?

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Yes why? If you can send money to @dma0245

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