Does it make any difference to post in comments the hashtagz?

does it make any difference if i post my hashtags at the caption or in a comment right after i upload my post? i see people using dots (why?) if you can post in a comment and make it look more authentic? whats up people share me some wisdom on this one
thx :raised_hands:

The only difference it makes is the aesthetics, it does look cleaner when you post it in comment since people need to expand comment to see all hashtags.


thx for your wisdom so it make no defference, cool

Some people post in caption, others in first comments. Both work. But as someone new to the forum pointed out , there is evidence that Instagram does not like tags in both the caption and the comments.

Some people still try the stuffing 60 tags trick, and it appears they are trying to punish accounts for that.

[details=As for the 5 dots, if you create a post caption and do this.].
#it #will #turn #your #caption #into #this[/details]

In other words, if you look at your post on the app, it will collapse the space and hide your tags, but still leave them in the caption instead of the fist comment. It’s aesthetic. Some people love it, some people hate it.


I agree with all the other guys here, its mainly preference. But like @wortime said, definitely don’t try and use 60 tags, or else your post goes straight to the spam trash can. I personally put my set of tags in the first comment, and then comment once again asking a question to my followers. This not only hides the tags, but also sparks engagement when you put a CTA.

I definitely hate it😂
I don’t see point of 5 dots at all… it looks ugly :expressionless:


word up, why no put it in the first comment if it make no difference

I agree lol it’s too much work trying to figure out how much space is needed and be confident it doesn’t look messed up on different sized phones.

Exactly. Comment Tags>Caption Tags any day.


In top nine of my niche I see them in posts making it there on both. (captions and hashtags) All this crap about don’t put it in comments well. is trash. See. its not the hashtags placements in question. It is the account itself. If I use a banned or semi banned banned hashtags I will be ghosted…simple as that.


Do you analyze each of these top 9 posts you mentioned? What works for someone else doesn’t necessarily mean it can be cookie cutter copied. Another factor to consider is any outside help those accounts may be possibly getting.

I proved it by pictures couple days ago in another thread. The shadowban one…

@Alexnvo I can tell you man, I’ve seen some weird shit while looking into shadow banning. You can post 30 total for sure. But I had an account ghosted for having 30 with a 50/50 mix caption/comment. Someone made up a hashtag to tag their friend in it, and BAM ghosted. If too many people spam your comments it can do the same thing.

I’ve agree on the broken, semi banned, banned tags. I’ve seen people create tags that were simply too close to banned tags and it ghosted their account. I used the same tag as a test and until I deleted all posts with that tag, my test account was ghosted as well.


I misspelled a tag and ‘baammm’ I was ghosted. Minutes later I corrected the spelling…and was free of the ghosting

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Yeah, I have seen a few people correct it this way. The people who deleted their 40 -400k follower accounts over it… LOL

On that note, from what I’ve seen, they might actually have a button they just press and you are ghosted as well. And research shows that they do. So there is that.

There is also just a bug in the system.

¯\ (ツ)

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Top spot taken by tags of poetry …hashtags in comments …any other questions ?

Poeh so much text for social media. I would never read that. But that’s me😅

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