Wich one is better? buy ig age account / create by my self

i need to build hundred instagram account for longterm use.
wich one is better?
buy 1 year age account / create by my self?
and please tell me the reason?

thank you

I believe creating accounts is the safer path if done correctly but can be time consuming if you are not experienced.

Buying accounts I find more simple so its really a personal choice which route you go here are some helpful guides if you decide to create them yourself.

http://mpsocial.com/t/the-definitive-guide-for-creating-instagram-accounts/4018?source_topic_id=12425 http://mpsocial.com/t/method-create-multiple-instagram-account-easily-and-from-your-computer/220?source_topic_id=12425 http://mpsocial.com/t/what-is-the-best-proxy-provider-that-you-are-using-for-account-creation/167?source_topic_id=12425 http://mpsocial.com/t/creating-accounts-using-memu-android-emulator-guide/3676?source_topic_id=12425

create by yourself is safer since you don’t change IP,username,bio,etc :wink:

Good for start very fast with, mostley for shortterm :blush:

Good for growing them slowley by yourself, longtermuse.
You also know the preehistory…