Get ready to patch your servers

The “bug” is worse and farther reaching than anyone thought. Make sure you update soon! And don’t forget to backup!

Posted for visibility since most people never check unless something bad has happened.


How do I make sure if my server / PC are not affected?

At this point, pretty much everyones is. Your hosting provider will notify you, or Microsoft or whoever. They have been patching quietly and you may not even need to.

Are you saying that the normal PC CPU too?

Yes, read the blog.

If you have Amazon for instance.

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Got any idea how can we fix it for our home PCs and Laptops?

Nope, again, read the blog. They have been hiding it and saying it was just Intel, and all that. It seems like it only affects instances that run VM’s but the story has changed over the last few days. If you have updates enabled it will happen automatically. I would recommend googling it.

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Actually such stuff are too technical to understand haha. :slight_smile:

I don’t know why AMD’s share is going up when all of them are mentioning Intel and AMD both.

Because someone leaked that it was an Intel design flaw, but the story is still coming out. The story has changed over the last few days. It’s probably why we are seeing the bugs in billing from Amazon, issues with not receiving emails etc. A lot of it is being done very quietly until now.

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This is useful: