$$$ Facebook Ads and getting LIKES on your page $$$

Just a bit of advice. A solid way of getting likes to your page is simply paying for a $5 ad on facebook and promote something that doesn’t really have to be about you, just anything popular. Once people like the post you can invite them to like your page. It works.


Interesting … thanks for the share, this is worth a try :slight_smile:

You said it so they are not interested in your niche so those are usless likes
not targeted audience


Yes so just tweak his idea a bit - post something that is relevant to your niche and very popular (as opposed to something that you really want to post, that is in your niche but going to be less popular).

I do this by boosting images that I post. It works. Just make sure you have 2-3 FB profiles in MP that will only do inviting every 15-20 minutes. Nothing else. This is so you don’t miss sending invites since the Invite tool doesn’t scroll to the bottom of popup window.

Or, you can go through likes later and invite them all manually, but why would you do that? :slight_smile:

There’s also a limit on how much people you can invite per day. On my personal profile I’m able to invie 1K, while my aged fake profiles can invite aboit 500-600.

Neat little trick. How many likes do you get every boost for 5$. Also, do you target your users?

You mean 2-3 FB profiles don’t do any other activities- comments/likes/posting/group joining… ?..
Is it because FB could ban on accounts doing inviting and more?..

it’d be great to see comparison about 2-3 proxies for 2-3 FB accounts (I pay $3+/IG highproxy) vs boost for 5$ FB ads
Thanks you.

Well, I mean, you can’t be dumb about it. It doesn’t have to be about YOU, but it would be smart to make it related to you in some way. Like if you write fantasy books or something then make the post related to fantasy. As long as you have a bit of a brain it will be useful.

Yeah. I suppose I should have mentioned that. I figured that much would have been self exclamatory. haha

It depends on how successful the post is. I have a video on my profile that gets hundreds of views and likes per week and every once in a while I go to it and invite the people, but if the post doesn’t get any attention then it won’t do much good.

Hi Adnan I am kindoff confused why should I do the inviting every 15 -20 minutes? Surely the likes will stay put and wont go anyway so I can take as long as I want??

For now, Invite tool will scroll only 6-7x to find users in the Users who reacted popup. If you’re getting a lot of likes on your post, you could miss some invites unless you run the tool very often.

We will probably change how it works in the future, there’s couple of ideas.


Will there any issue if i invite as friends to my profile. Will i get the Page BAN or profile BAN.

And what way i can make use of this invite I need to convert
as page after 5k invite. If I use this three profile will FB able to see and
BAN my page

Sorry i have one profile and added has admin to one page. I can able to do invite to page only not as friend request. So why we need three profile to do invite is it because limit per profile.

Sorry, I don’t understand what you wanted to say.

Any other effective ways of getting ads with paid ads? Does anyone have any other tactics?

Any help would be much appreciated


Anyone? characters 13