Hello, all! I’m new here

Hi all! I’m a newbie here, and frankly, an Instagram idiot. Not really a joke. :wink: I am so looking forward to learning from this community as I try to launch a side project on Instagram and try to leverage it in my professional life (especially because I don’t use it personally). And who knows—might become a bit of a social media expert along the way!

Thanks to all who contribute to this forum!


Welcome, enjoy your stay.

You might not find a lot of info since you are new user, but there are real gems in LVL2 section of the forum.

Keep hanging with us and you’ll be LVL2 fast.


Sounds like a plan!

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Welcome :slight_smile:

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welcome Here :smiley:

Welcome, you’re in the best place to learn from. :slight_smile:

Thanks, all! And @bwbalazs, it definitely seems that way!

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Your not an idiot at least you have the initative to sign up to get support

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If you read every good thread and practice what they tell you, you will no doubt grow ridiculously knowledgable. Welcome to MP social! Contribute to the forum and you will be level 2 in no time!

Thanks! I’ve learned so much already. This is a fantastic forum.

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Learning from the GOAT how to get that new member of the month badge. Finna grind my lil heart out :wink:


Gotta grind it out