User Levels Explained


  • parts of the forum were made private and that information accessible only to people that prove they know what they are doing and are dedicated in both learning and adding valuable information for others.
  • lvl 2 is much harder to achieve and lvl 3 is invite only for the best of the best
  • please read the updated criteria below! - updated 29.6.2017

Hello Everybody and welcome to our new Social Media Forum, I am sure you’ll have a great time, learn a lot and get answers for your questions from our great community.

Let’s talk a little about User Levels, what they mean and what they’re for.

First of all what you need to know is that this is not a normal forum, it’s more oriented towards a community of people. So, the more active you are in the community, the more trust you gain from both the users and the forum alike. This translates to user levels, they are a way to:

  • Sandbox new users in the community so that they cannot accidentally (or intentionally!) hurt themselves, the forum, or other users while they are learning what to do.
  • Grant experienced users more rights so that they can help maintain and moderate the community they generously contribute so much of their time to.

1. User Level 0 (Also known as “New”)

This means you’ve just registered, so you can be anyone, a spammer, a bot, granted also a good guy/gal ( which is what we hope everyone will be :grinning: ), but the community doesn’t know you so it don’t trust you. This means that you are restricted from some actions while you’re at this level

Users at trust level 0 cannot do the following:

  • Send private messages to other users
  • “Reply as new topic” via Link button (UI removed)
  • Flag posts
  • Post more than 1 image
  • Post any attachments
  • Post more than 2 hyperlinks in a post
  • Have actual links in the ‘about me’ field of their profile (will be silently and temporarily converted to plain text)
  • Mention more than 2 users in a post

User level 1 (Also know as “Basic”)

If you like what you found on the forum, and stick around for a little while, you’ll get upgraded to this level pretty quick, here are the prerequisites:

  • enter at least 5 topics
  • read at least 30 posts
  • spend a total of 10 minutes reading posts

Here’s what you can do if you reach this level:

  • use all core functions of MPSocial like:

    • upload images and attachments
    • send private messages
    • flag spam posts
  • have all new user restrictions removed

User level 2 (Also know as “Member”)

If you really like our community and you are serious about it, you will both learn and share with the others what you have learned you can reach the Member status. Here are the prerequisites for this level:

  • visit at least 25 days, not sequentially
  • cast at least 100 likes
  • receive at least 75 likes ( this means you will have to be helpful and friendly within the community)
  • reply to at least 150 different topics
  • enter at least 350 topics (this means read them)
  • read at least 1500 posts ( a post is a reply, a topic/thread can have many posts)
  • spend a total of 600 minutes reading posts

As you can see, you need to prove to the community that you want to be a part of it and not just do a hit and run like most members do on forums.

You also get a couple of cool perks:

  • Get access to all the Level 2 categories which are invisible for everyone else and intended for advanced techniques on how to make money with social media, latest tips and trick and top notch information.
  • Use the “Invite others to this topic” button for one-click onboarding of new users to participate in topics
  • Invite outside users to PMs making a group PM
  • Daily like limit increased by 1.5 ×

User level 3 (Also know as “Regular”)

This is a Private, Invite only VIP level. You can get access to the VIP level only in special conditions. Once here you will have access to the best of the best information available online.

While you’re at this level you’re almost like a moderator with the following perks:

  • recategorize and rename topics
  • access a private “frequent flier’s lounge” category only visible to users at trust level 3 and higher
  • spam flags cast on TL0 user posts immediately hide the post
  • flags cast on TL0 user posts in sufficient diversity will auto-block the user and hide all their posts
  • Daily like limit increased by 2 ×

This is pretty much how the trust levels work on MPSocial. As you can see it’s all set so people help each other more, the more you help the more power you have and the more people will trust you and see you as a mentor and go-to person.

Please don’t try to abuse the system so you get to a higher level faster, all comes naturally if you’re just there for your community

One last thing, you might be wondering what level you are, so here’s how to see that.

1 Go to your profile page by clicking on your icon in the top right corner then clicking on your forum name there.

2 On your profile page, at the top right corner you will see an “Expand button” click that ( if you don’t have it skip to step 3 as you might have already done this)

3 Once you do this, a new horizontal bar should appear with a couple of extra details, one of them will be “Trust Lever” and should correspond with one of the above ones ( new user, basic user, member, regular )

Alternate way to check what level you are

In a topic you’ve replied to, if you click on your name your user card will show up, the first badge shown there is your level badge.

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I had requested these clarifications in a thread and its nice to know this. Now it’s time to move up the ladder :wink:


Thanks Johnny :smiley:


Let us see what you can do :smiley:


@Johnny I dont see how people can become “lean” by becoming level 2 hahaha. I think you meant “learn” :stuck_out_tongue:


Indeed I did :slight_smile: … fixed


Pretty ironic to say that in this forum. :joy: Works the same way on IG btw!


Could you please clarify what this means? Does it mean you have to have at least posted 3 times or specifically REPLIED 3 times to individual posts on separate topics? Also, do you need to have CREATED 20 topics or just entered/looked at 20 topics? Looking at my stats, I’m way above all of these, including the other parameters (unless you have to actually CREATE 20 topics), yet I’m still not at Level 2. Thanks


not created, if I wanted to say created, I would have said “created” :stuck_out_tongue: , you need to enter, look at , view :wink:

these are the requirements for level 2, so it seems you’re at the exact level you should be :slight_smile: what other level do you want to be with the requirements for level 2? :stuck_out_tongue:


never mind, I was only asking because I wanted to get access to the private forum but after searching noticed that I already have that. Thanks. I couldn’t find a “members” badge in my profile, so though I was still Level 1.


I think I have all requirements for lvl 2 but am still lvl 1… Why?


Everything is automatic, and from what I saw it works quite nicely, so there must be a reason.


Lol im still a basic b*tch :expressionless: thought i’d be higher up since I breath Mpsocial now XD


My stats and am still lvl 1 :confused: @Johnny


lol patience is a virtue man… im sure they want you participating on this forum!


awesome sauce! that helped alot thank you for the clarification, i was gonna go try and hunt down the whole getting verified on ig thing and came across the link for this, managed not to spam anyone or flood inboxes with questions.

Again want to say thank you guys for having all this info out there it really helps. Now i just need to clone myself to get to lvl 3 and work on this whole interweb thing.


can we make requests to be manually upgraded?


Yes, of course, but your requests will be denied :smiley:


I am still a trusted member?

Guess you really have to life here to be part of the elite -_-


Yes… you will have to live, eat, sleep mass planner to become level 3