Sign this petition for IG

Admins please help to be hear, we have to do this to be hear by Instagram, with thousands of signs we can change that.

useless in my opinion and the petition does not contain any real “content” .


Agree, totally useless…


I know, but we have the opportunity to see what happened

Nothing will happen…

And yes it’s good that IG is strict with this rules. If they didn’t it was to easy and to many people doing this. Also people who run 24/7 accounts with crazy insane settings/limits.
Just have normal human actions/limits and everything is fine.

Simple as that👍

Where can i sign to delete accounts which are active 24/7 with daily 1.000+ actions?

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I know my friend, but there is a lot of people with 500 or 400 daily and they are blocked

Did you even read the petition? It does not contain any value . No question towards Instagram , nothing that should change and no demands .


Lol, maybe it’s his own site😆


Im bad for English, i try to do the best I can

Ooh it is your own site?
So you want free traffick from Mpsocial to your site😂

Content is really shitty. I am also bad in English but i hire people to write good articles.


Ok delete this topic pleas, thanks for the inconvenience

lol, yeah :smiley: why should they support the work of spammers? :smiley:
This petition is totally useless, they won’t do anything. 100 people is also not that much.

What is going on, what petition? Hehe…

I delete the petition my friend, it doesn’t work

Don’t be sad my friend, if you need best content to blow instagram with your petition, hopely my tread can help you…

:smile: :smile:

i dont want thtat , it’s better to stay underground for us , now it is possible to go for crazy settings , 1000 follows and stay in if bots keep going there would be little to no use for me from IG as it then starts following facebook and making everything crazy strict