What NOT to do in the community help forum

Hello all,

Some of you might be new, some of you might just be new to forums.

Since this is the first community that I’ve ever cared to participate in, I thought I might share some wisdom with you.

  1. If you are posting screenshots, please blank out the account names. Especially if the accounts you are managing are not yours. Client privacy is a must. You cant keep it out of logs sent to the MP team, but you can keep it private here. It’s in their, and your, best interests.

MP team edit: [quote=“euhero, post:4, topic:7840”]
if a user is posting an image, they should host the image in an image hosting provider first and just embed the image here so that we can save resources of disk space

(super edit) There are also people out there that want you to fail. Do not give them the opportunity! Showing others account names etc can get them or you banned or worse!

Another edit: Do not share email, skype, phone numbers, etc. publicly, send them via PM.

You can take a snippet of the screen using the built in snipping tool for posting to the forum if you need a screenshot. I’ve already seen one or two actual photos of a bad monitor taken through a 720p (p for potato) camera and uploaded. It’s way easier and far nicer to use the snipping tool. While I haven’t downloaded or tested greenshot for it’s superior abilities ( I am too lazy and my laptops i5 is stressed enough as it is), I am sure it would work as well.

  1. Please don’t just ask questions without doing a basic search first. The info might be available already as well as updated and amended. Even when posting a suggested search comes up, I am also guilty of not originally using this feature. Don’t be like me, use the search features, you’ll be glad you did.

  2. Questions are OK. Just please try to be as clear and concise as possible, provide prior trouble shooting steps taken, when did you first notice it etc. Please include the settings or a shot of the settings in your questions (if relevant). The more info, the easier we can go about offering help without having to ask a lot of questions before hand.

  3. This is MP social! Introduce yourself, look around, and be prepared to learn!

EDIT: Lots of edits.


This is nice @wortime, it’s good to have guidelines and even better if it becomes a habit :slight_smile:


Nicely said @wortime , glad to hear you’re liking it here :smiley:

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Great tips. I might also add that if a user is posting an image, they should host the image in an image hosting provider first and just embed the image here so that we can save resources of disk space.

Again, this is a great share and all new members of the forum should see this.

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