Where do you get your video/photo sources?

Because I don’t post spam and don’t want to make reposts ( even if that will make my life better ) I do some research on pictures before posting them, but I want to try a test and see what response I get from my fallowers if I post videos ( seen better results )

I usually search on pinterest/unsplash/google( not images, just website sources )/pexels for images to be HQ.

As for videos, I serached on google and pinterest but its hard to get good video results.

I thinked about youtube as video source ( as I post only 9 seconds long videos ) and get video footage from drone videos/bloggers

Posted my frame template.

What do you guys think ?

You won’t know until you test it. Personally, I think it looks fine. You have nice call to action there.

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Youtube is your best source for quality videos,another might be vimeo.
For photos you can try tumblr.

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Yes, but how much time do you recomend to have the video ?
Also sound/no sound ?