How To Grow Your IG Account Fast Using Hashtags

I agree!

A lot of few things can be done including this one.

There’s an option to NOT follow private number but I would like to see a “Follow Private Users Only” as after reading a lot on the subject, their engagement seems much higher.

###Are you talking about this setting??? :stuck_out_tongue:


Wow it was added lol - I always read the new updates but guess I missed that one!

Thanks for pointing that out! :slight_smile:

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Sounds good Brandon. Can’t wait to hear from you!

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I don’t know if somebody mention this website fot hashtags but I found it the best. It gives you 30 most popular hashtags and also on the right side you can see bunch of other hashtags that are relevant so if you wanna research you can easily find popular, semi popular and so on.

Also just to mention I needed to use search to find this awesome thread. Shouldn’t this be somewhere on visible spot or sticky thread. A lot of very good threads are just going nowhere in this section

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very true, just sticky-ed it.

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Hahaha sure has :smiley:

You are more than welcome!

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The thing that bugs me about these hashtags is that on my account ill show as ranking in the top posts, but then i ask my friend to check and I’m not there… :frowning:

WOW! nice share mate !

Brandon how i can conect you ?

@BrandonBerner where i can write you private ?

You can just reply here and tag him, no need to bother someone on private :slight_smile: maybe someone else will benefit from whatever you wanted to ask and whatever Brandon replies.

If we all talked in private, forum wouldn’t be such a great place :wink:


Totally agree with Adnan :slight_smile:

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@Adnan ok guys sorry for that i am new one hire, so can somebody heps me with my insta acount ???

What kind of issues you have? Give us more details maybe @BrandonBerner :smiley: or I could help.

@Adnan @BrandonBerner Hallo, gabrielgv88 is my account name you are welcome to give it a look.
I am from a little and not so popular European country, which has nevertheless incredibly beautiful nature called Bulgaria, in case you don’t know where it is situated, it’s next to Black Sea.
The thing is that I have the iconosquare app and have made my account into a business one but when I saw the analyses of my audience, I found out that the engagement is mostly from Bulgarians and thus is not so high, considering that Instagram is not so popular here. I am thus wondering if there is any way to expand my engagement and appeal to a wider audience in places where Instagram is definitely more popular like the US, Russia, UK, Brazil and others? (obviously, it has to do with hashtags, but Im wondering exactly what types of hashtags, and maybe aiming for specific time zone release and other stuff like that??)
Also, I am curious about the mass planner method of account development, does it function only by following and unfollowing other accounts or can it happen in other ways?
Thank you guys for the attention and I am looking forward to your answers :slightly_smiling_face:

Hey @gabrielgnchv from what I can understand, you would like to target a larger audience from the USA, Russia, UK, Brazil, and others.

There are a few different ways to do this:

  • Make sure to use the correct language in your posts to target the right audeince

  • You can use hashtags like #Russia #UK #Brazil #USA

  • You can find accounts that have a large audience of people from Russia, UK, Brazil, or USA These accounts can be sports teams, country specific stores or restaurants, high schools, college, university, etc.

  • Calculate the time zone difference, and make sure you are posting pictures when people in your target country are awake.
    For example, I live In Canada, and I am posting from 10am-6pm (Pacific Time). When I post my pictures between 10am-6pm, in China the posts will be seen between 2am-10am which is NOT effective. I will need to post from 6pm-6am (Pacific Time), this way people in China will see my post between 10am-10pm.


Hey brandon, this is the first post I’ve read here and I’m very interested in having you find hash tags for me.

Hi @neesmo welcome to MPSocial!

I will be more than happy to provide you with Hashtag Research.

Please Click Here to be directed to the MarketPlace to see the Hashtag Research Service