Best way to learn a language?

The more the better if you can be an expert or quality level in the subjects. If you just know the basics its not worth, and i would value more an outstanding level of english than 3 european languages that are spoken just in their country.

For me the only languages worth it are: english, chinese, russian and probably spanish. The last one is a little bit biased because im from Spain.

Why in that order man:
Spanish I a lot more useful than Russian

And yes I get it but if you capable of understanding them it’s good enough. So you let people speak in the languege they are most comfortable with.

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Well, first you need to get the basics of the language and get comfortable with its simpler forms. Sign up to a local course or find one online, either is great for beginners.

Then, find a person who speaks the language on a native level and communicate with him or her on a regular basis. If you can’t find a person like that, find a TV show or a series of movies on that language and watch it without subtitles. I’d take either of the two methods over just about any book out there. :slight_smile:

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Try to find some people which speak German and try to speak with them, message them, visit them…

I would also recommend the app Duolingo to start, it is a fun and easy way to learn the basics of a new language.

I am fluent in 3 languages, here is the best language learning process imo:

  1. Learn the basics (Cracked Busuu is the way to go)
  2. Skip Duolingo
  3. Watch series with double subtitles. Audio, subtitle in the language you want to learn + subtitle in language you understand.
    free sites I recommend: /

English is my second language and I can tell you that even after learning for around 10 years when I moved abroad (to the UK) I still did not understand a lot. Learning the casual language and the accent is super important and you won’t get that with people who are just teaching you the language.

Make sure to learn from a native speaker I think thats your best bet. Its easier to learn this way and you can understand a lot from the context/hand gestures, also you memorise it better. Best of luck!