Cannot execute because you dont have any valid ig accounts logged in via api to

Hi, i use main acc. try to unfollow…but i get this message. i use EB
“code 550 cannot execute because you dont have any valid ig accounts logged in via api to”

how i can fix this?

The Action you are trying to do would be important to know.
If you run on EB like you do here:
Some things will not work.
This is 100% something in the tool settings because some of my accounts look almost exactly like that and do actions without any problems (Follow / Unfollow / DM).

Something you try to do does require API.

yes.i already check that option…still get error

Cleared this up via DM - He was not using any Scrapers and therefore couldn’t do unfollows

I believe no one would have known that.
Especially because of this settings

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its done. thank you derdam

Error code 550 means that you have the option ‘When executing any tools, for scraping, use only accounts with specific tagnames’ checked in Settings > Social Platforms > Instagram.
Is the tagname you specified there used by all your scraper accounts? If yes, then it means that there is no free scraper account available when the tool tries to execute.

Also, the issue could occur if all your accounts have ‘USE ONLY EMBEDDED BROWSER’ checked under Social Platforms > select the account > Show Advanced Profile Settings and you do not have any valid IG accounts to use for scraping.

hi, i already make 2scraper…and running tools its normal.
i have 2 scraper and 5main VALID acc . 20acc STOP.
and now,before this, its normal. and then now. i get error again "“code 550 cannot execute because you dont have any valid ig accounts logged in via api to

why tools not running if the scraper didnt enough?
2scraper for 5acc not enough to running the tools?
basicly 1scraper i set for 3main acc.,(is this good 1scraper for 3main acc?)
why tools only running with scraper? without scraper,tools not running.?

first of all, you should have at least 2-3 scrapers for each main account.

when you get 550 it’s usually due to the scrapers not being valid or you did not set the tag name method correctly.

Check this article:

2-3 for each main? lol
I am fine using 6 for 24 Accounts

Read this:

when I say 2-3 accounts is for the speed and API blocks part, if you have more slave then main accounts JV will always have accounts to use and your operation goes smoothly.

Can you make sure the scraper accounts have the same tag name in Settings tab as the one you added for these settings?

Also, you should uncheck the apply only on accounts with specific tagnames option.