Copyright Ban Preventive Measures for IG Reposting Accounts

I agree! But what about if you are managing 10 accounts and want to schedule the posting process with Jarvee? You’ll have to ask for permission for a hundred posts just to schedule 10 for each account, in this case, option 3 seems very attractive!

If you are reposting content with the purpose of selling a product from the content without permission definitely makes it worse, did you reported them?

It’s not easy for competitors take your account down. Your posts will be removed only if picture owner reports it.
#2 is your best option. Chances that picture owners will find your account are low, even if they do, IG won’t take the whole account down but just the reported post.

How good is it with photos that have been resized and rehashed? That would be the true test of it being a problem. Otherwise the people getting “caught” are just lazy and doing straight up reposts without the proper cleaning work.

Definitely the way I’ll go, thanks! or at least until they are big enough (i. e. 500k) and making enough to invest in a further effort!

But what about babe accounts, people will start tagging them and they will notice it…

Is removing metadata and hidden data a proper cleaning work? or you still need to resize them?

Removing exif data and hidden tracking data is step one. Resizing and md5 adjusting are both incredibly important as well because the image itself will still be digitally detectable.


Got it m8, thanks!

Number 3 for sure

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plus a proper cleaning work, right?

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Babe accounts are tricky, I had one 2 years ago, banned at 50k because it was getting reported a lot for nudity even though I never posted anything too sexual, just girls in bikinis. They grow really fast but can get banned easily.

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Thanks for the advice @Artie I know those accounts are in a grey area but due to low actions using automation we need to adapt so, I’m planning to grow some babe-niche pages using Jarvee, and then drive the traffic to other accounts within the same niche.
I’ll try to be as much conservative as possible with the content but I think it’ll still grow faster because I’ll target specific audiences!

Yea haha, happened to me also, got like 10 of them banned

Banned due to nudity? or due to copyright?

Nudity haha…

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Does following all the steps here take care of all 4 things? Does removing all metadata with XnView take care of the md5?

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hey bro if we use the tool vurku and download the content which got most likes and comments then do we have to do these things manually? or it’s done by vurku?

What software can I use for bulk images? Is there anything out there?

Check xnview its perefect


Thanks pal, already using it!

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I’m trying to use it now but have no clue how to