[Guide] What does the FB algo recognize in photos

FB has a pretty clever algo that recognizes what is shown in photos.

To see what the algo sees:

  1. Choose any photo on FB (on your feed, in a group, etc.)

  2. Click on the photo to make sure you are viewing it in full size, not just a preview (the url should have this at the end: &theater)

  3. right click on the photo, and choose INSPECT ELEMENT
    (If you’re using the embedded browser you won’t see this option, so just copy the photo’s link and paste it in chrome/firefox).

  4. Look at the part that says IMAGE MAY CONTAIN

As you can see, it’s not perfect, and in this example it didn’t recognize that there’s a person in the photo (probably because he was with his back facing the camera).

Sometimes it won’t recognize anything in the photo:

I’m not sure, but maybe that’s a good thing when you want to spam that photo in groups…

That’s it for FB.

Out of curiosity, I took the same photo and tested what the google algo will recognize in it.
For some reason google didn’t mention the sky, the cloud or the outdoor, but it did recognize exactly what car it was. Impressive!


Yes, This is really interested. Did you find a way to make it impossible for Facebook to read what’s in the picture?

nice research here :slight_smile: didn’t know they show this info that easy…

not sure you can do this, unless you transform the image into a sort of captcha with lines all over :smiley: