[HELP] Creating IG accounts on rooted android phone

Hey guys,

I am creating IG accounts for myself on a rooted android phone. When I go to flightmode and back to get a new IP for a new account only the IPv6 address will change while the IPv4 adress will stay the same (see pictures below).

Is that an issue for the accounts? Don’t wanna create a lot of useless accounts…
Thanks a lot for your help guys!

(The rooted android phone gets a hotspot from my IPhone which then goes to flightmode between every account)

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Hmm… Perhaps the IPv4 belongs to the hotspot itself which is why it stays the same. Try checking what the IP is when you connect to the hotspot through a different device.

By using a hotspot from you iphone you are shooting yourself in the leg. Connect to the mobile network through the rooted android device then use this bullet proof method I Can't create New Instagram Accounts

When I restart the iPhone in between the IPv4 changes too. So that shouldn’t be a problem.

Is it still a problem to use the hotspot from the iPhone? Any other footprints?

The problem I see is that the IP does not change. What happens with the IP if you turn the iPhone completely off and on again ?

It is also not clear to me what the IG app will use, the IPv4 or the IPv6 ?

I think it doesn’t matter if you create 2 or 3 accounts on 1 mobile IP. But if you are going to create hundreds I wouldn’t want them on the same IP…

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When I restart the iPhone the IPv4 and the IPv6 will change. So that should be fine…

Any other footprint I oversee?

So when you use flightmode on your iPhone the IPv4 doesn’t change. It only changes when turning it off and on?

That is bad if you need 1000 accounts.

You know that you will have to change things like device id of your Android?

I used to create accounts this way. I have accounts like that 1 year old doing follow/unfollow and still never asked for a phone number. The best accounts I ever made.


Sure, ID changer on the Android works and cache of IG app will be deleted between of the creation of every account too.
Yeah, unfortunately IPv4 changes only when turning on an of the iPhone on and off.
Creating not 1000 but 100 accounts so its doable with turning on and off, but not perfect…