Instagram & Youtube imo. Instagram as your personal page, because there’s no other SM right now which is more premium and show who you are, and YT because it’s King since some time now.
None of my clients asked for TikTok growth, while 10-20% are for YT and all the rest IG.
It can evolve fast, but the curent market demand is IG > YT > TT
Over a year ago. There was a big algorithm and security change that basically lowered all limits and crushed automation for awhile. Lots of angencies went under
Yep. Pretty much died. These are the people that will say jarvee is useless for Instagram now. Because they were using it before the restrictions.
I didn’t use jarvee till after but I grew an account organically to 100k in the era and it was easy. Could get 1000 followers a day most days off a single post.