How To Grow An Instagram Account From 0 To 10k (without spending money) *beginner guide*

Doing purely follow/unfollows can be suspicious on IG’s end. We will still encourage running other tools for a more realistic activity.

Does every tool have its own limits?
Lets say I can do 100 follows / day max. and also need to add about 20 like actions for human behaviour - is the max. follow amount reduced to 80 / day now?

For me I stick to api calls but you can do more than just follows. Its hard to say what limits are with peoples different setups.

I hear of people doing 200 follow and unfollow per day with likes etc. While some can’t even do 80 follows. Just test on a few accounts. But 10-20 extra likes / saves should be fine.

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Always have to think about that guy in this forum whose accounts can do like 20k api calls per day haha.
Okay I’ll see how far I can go. What api limits are working for you atm? I’ve capped mine at 400 until they get delayed a few hours.

Yeah try that and see how it goes


400 API calls per day are what we suggest to users for starting values. If that value does not let the tool reach your desired limits, you can gradually increase it after a week

You could try F/UF with personal accounts. Made some quick Followers that way. Try to follow friends of people who follow you, that way they already feel some sort of connection.

However personally I don’t really like this method for my personal account anymore because I don’t wanna follow a bunch of people I don’t know and most of them will probably unfollow right after you did.

So most is just about your content an engaging with others and if you’re posting good content constantly you could think about creating content with other people to gain more attention or go for sponsored posts.