Sound great! What proxies do you use when running your accounts?


which proxy do you recommend that work the most with multi instagram or fb or youtube accounts. I read it is better to use 2 account per proxy but i am not sure if i can just use the free one or private one that works well but not too expensive.

how you guys manage multiple accounts of the same social media?


Use 4g proxies private

You are not honest with your customers, once these so called real high quality accounts start to drop you will see a lot of refunds on your paypal or whatever you use and will lose client’s trust.

@pazkal We used 4g proxies in running multiple social media accounts. We usually run 5-10 main accounts and 50-100 scraper accounts per proxy depends on the use.

For sure! please let us know if you need help​:muscle::grin:

You run scraper and main account both on same proxy? I heard people use separate data center ips for scrapers.

No. I don’t. I connect my main profiles and scrapers accounts to different proxies.

Thank you for answering

how many main account do you put on 1 proxy?

when i say main account, for me it is for example, profile peter and Julie

peter and juilie have their own instagram, fb, youtube, linkedin account. but in total is 2 main account having 4 profile social media accounts. I hope it make sense

i believe you can use one proxy at least on 2 main accounts, means 8 social media profile on it.

so with 4g proxies, how many main account (4 social account on each mai), i can put on one private 4g proxy

In your Setting, you are saying that one proxy from 4g can hold 10 accounts, means 10 instagram accoounts, right? so means i can use for 10 instagram, 10 linkedin, 10 youtube and 10 fb? since they are different social media platform, no? please confirm

Also any site recommendation to get these 4 g proxies?

someone sent me an email to try proxy doctor just for jayvee, never heard about them before, any feedback or better to use?

Hi @pazkal I just sent you a message.

“do not clear cookies when logging out”
I could not find this one

@ido check this out.

Here it is:

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