Looking for Mobile Proxies

Then you’ll be better off with a vps, especially if you don’t want to let your laptop run day and night…

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If I invest in a separate laptop which will be running all day long…is it not a better and less cost solution?

I can also have access to it at distance I guess…no?

You can get a VPS that runs 24 hours a day, no need to worry about power etc, for very reasonable. $10-15 a month and it will run 20+ accounts. When you get bigger you can upgrade (it will also teach you how to move your program to another VPS, which as you grow you will need to do anyhow.



Oh very nice! I heard about the server Hezner is it good as well? Which model should we go for!?

Hetzner is, but thats overkill for 15 accounts

It is needed for much more I guess…

how many ig accounts you all bot with a mobile proxy?

im running 30 accounts currently on Hyonix for $12 a month pretty good deal IMO.

I will be trying https://www.hostigger.com/openstack-vps very soon tho that was mentioned on post here awhile back super cheap.


hello did you try hostigger already
how does it work

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hi mate,

im currently testing hostrigger i purchased a 2cpu 8gb VPS. So far its all working fine but its only day two! One thing i have noticed the CPU usage seems higher on this vps than it did on Hyonix.