Manual vs Automation?

Sure does!!

Full manual isn’t ‘block proof’ either, especially at scale. Scale is about %'s. For example, let’s say you take 5 accounts, put them in software, manual, or our hybrid solution. They may all work, hit daily numbers, and grow. Often times people will then boast ‘I’m block free, yippeeeee…look at me!’

Now, start acquiring 10+ clients a day from all over the world. Now you are talking real data. I’ve seen it time and time again, block city, BOOM!

Instagram is doing what they set out to do no matter if you are using your own phone to grow your account.

Their security algorithm has a check-list. The way they scan their billion + accounts is random. The way they use their check-list is random. All random so we cannot pinpoint how to 100% be block free.

Which software is this?