So, based on what you said here. Please, tell us, how do you build a community. Do you start with a brandable, general name, logo and phrasing of how you speak to the audience?
Can you be more specific?
So, based on what you said here. Please, tell us, how do you build a community. Do you start with a brandable, general name, logo and phrasing of how you speak to the audience?
Can you be more specific?
Community is converting followers to be a part of you. It is by doing lives at least 1 hour a day or every two days. It is showing who you are. There are videos hours long on this and it must be studied. You may not like my reply but it is the truth – it is not easy, takes work and you must learn. Do you understand you want quick and simple answers to your question? I am not side stepping the issue.
Just that topic is a entire course –
Man, I don’t stray away from the hustlers’ mentality. I just needed to know what I should do.
So, they need to know who’s behind the brand? And then they are a bit more engaged to buy what you’re selling?
Also in lives what do they want you to do?
I’m a bit newbie in TikTok, seems like you got it a bit figured out.
i don’t have shit figured out. I been TikTok only a few months and spend hours a week learning.
Insta is easy – things can be replicated. TikTok is not, it’s based on videos. I grow on tiktok, not in the hundreds of thousands or millions but in the low 10k. TikTok is also part time from, insta is my main focus. I give broad replies to topics I am JUST understand that thing I must mention – to you or anyone else.
In order for anyone to help – the person giving the help cannot by words give you a what or how. They need to see yhe account, they need to see the analytical. You want the lazy approach, show me, tell me, teach me – in a few words. I am telling you – i can’t, nobody can. Get the Instagram(or what ever) mentality out of your mind, it is tiktok, new ways of thinking
“Also in lives what do they want you to do?”
jesus, watch some –
At the end of the day, people want to follow a real person, someone they consider a friend. Build a community by becoming their friend
Sure thing! I will try to open live and interact with them even if I didn’t do that before.
100%! People overthink it way too often. Just put yourself in the potential follower’s shoes and you will succeed
I don’t necessarily like to get into a pissing match but for credentials…lets see here:
I have helped my clients get 4 million followers (adding together) in less than a WEEK.
I have done this since Feb of 2015 (longer than you)
I have worked with over 100k+ clients with social media
Financially Independent…I enjoy what I do…yet don’t have to do it
Love the internet cause it always changing
Online marketing Guru
The list can go on…
However, I still will listen to what you have to say, or anyone for that matter, as I will always continue to learn. I will even learn from people that don’t have the “CREDIBILITY”… but I am not going to say condescending things to them at the same time…because I am not better than anyone. But I was not making my OWN comments here to get in an argument (with you or anyone else)…they are just my opinions…which we are all entitled to. Just don’t want someone coming at me like I don’t know what I am talking about from my OWN experiences.
well, excellent job. I pointed out one fact nobody argues with you do. You say insta wants the bots. well, if you haven’t looked around lately. This entire industry has been efected with insta’s war on bots. possibly you live on a part of earth insta loves botting, not where.the rest of us live You lost credibility when you said GURU. have a good day. –
Haha - exactly the response I was looking for.
All good!
So you’re saying the pattern is it’s going for market share now, and in a few years it will start heavily monetizing like instagram?
That’s the plan
Can you elaborate on the reach at home? 100k insta vs tiktok?
Still new to all this, my insta is basically dead and hella hard to grow.
Btw agreed with you on everything in tik tok popping off- it is hella addictive and post grad yuppies joining now is going to make it the Next thing.
simple, more time is spent on fyp than following on TikTok. So you gotta build build you in lives so you get followers to watch and atract new followers. On Insta, the followers feed is shown and if ER is good – a good portion of your followers will see it.
I’m really sorry to say this but @Alexnvo you should not mislead people for not doing F/U or any other method, because I see you still didn’t analyze TT really good and you are giving lectures what to do and what to not do. StimSocial that guy is an expert for botting TT. He’s not my friend or anything but I know him from another forum and tried the trial of his services. F/U and Liking other’s videos (with Limits) I think is the key of success in TT but of course with posting daily. I got many follows and likes, when I did F/U because many people check who followed them, then they go watch your videos and like most of them (if you have good ones). You also filter target who to follow so they’ll not be dead followers. Of course TT’s algo is not the same as Insta (but to me it doesn’t look so different) and F/U definitely works like charm and it double-triple-boosts it.
have you seen the returns of followers vs. f/u, and organic growth on TikTok?
can f/u give you 100k followers in a week? or even my wort account – 1000 followers in one month.
No unfollow/follow.
put your money where your mouth is SHOW ME ONE ACCOUNT doing well with f/u – until then, I am not misleading.
I’m not an expert, I’m just beginner of TT world. You’re saying without doing anything just by posting gives you 1000 followers. If you F/U (but with limits) and your post (that will bring you 1000 followers) it will definitely be more than 1000 followers. I’m telling you this because when I started I couldn’t even get 300 views. When I started F/U i got more views and more followers without even Following them.
(Maybe I was just lucky, but I just want to share my experiences with you)
yes, if the posts are good enought. If you are starting tiktok, please don’t tell me f/u works on tiktok – i been on it for 7 months. Jesus, I want people to gain – f/u does not work – case closed dude
I see that you’re not in a good mood I guess and it’s okay I don’t want to spread other people negative energy. So it’s how you say END
i am in a fine mood. But the fastest way not to grow on tiktok is f/u –