[Overview] The 3 Main Growth Methods: F/U, Viral Growth, M/S

Incredible value, this would have saved me soo many hours when I started out hehe

Totally agree with this.
Viral growth is what i used for viral niche pages.

Right, I thought you suggested using a banned hash to test things out.

I was confused but yeah that’s great, thanks for sharing.

I mean to me that account is as good as shadowbanned, when I was shadowbanned, I was still getting 1-3 likes from hashtags, but without shadowban reach is very often ~60% from hashtags for my main acc :smiley:

that acc is not shadowbanned, and it’s growing about 100 followers per day.
Didn’t get hit by PV neither.
In any case it’s not normal to get 60% reach from hashtags, that’s probably a viral content acc or meme or something very concrete in a particular niche, most of the accounts don’t get 60% of reach from just hashtags.

Mass PV usually happen in shit acc, MS, acc on very spammed proxies, or acc posting content against Instagram rules or unfriendly according to them. So that’s probably the real reason for Shadowban if that even exists.

Not sure how getting a PV affects the actual reach of an acc, considering that most of the acc don’t grow with just with hashtags, and doing so will be more the exception than the norm.

In any case, I agree FU is more risky than MS.

May I ask if you use good related hashtags for that account? If you do 3 views from hashtags is definetly not that normal, is it like that on every post? :slight_smile:


that concrete post only had 3 hashtags, very broad ones I guess. Just an example of a normal post :slight_smile:

Ah ok if it’s only that post and general hashtags were used it makes more sense :slight_smile:

Hi @StayStyled thanks for the info.
I have a question though, how to do MS?
Is it like post caption @mainaccount on child acc?

You can find 2 guides on that on the forum using “search” :wink:

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Here’s a guide on several methods of M/S


This is a great overview! Definitely easy to understand for a newbie like myself :sweat_smile: Thank you!!

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Thanks Bro <3

Ran out of likes and I only saw this now! Very underrated post.

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amazing overview for those new to automation

@StayStyled Such a great post! This is definitely going to be useful for those just starting out. Thank you.

How exactly this method works Mother/Slave? I have set up few accounts but not sure I am doing it right. i would really appreciate some guidance if possible. Thank you

I cant access this because of the level. do you have any other link that i can access?

don’t expect people to just share with you everything when you ask questions this generic. Take a look around in this wonderful forum and learn, learn, learn. Then come back and ask more specific things! :wink:

Sorry I didn’t think it was that strict here I people share the knowledge but thank you for your reply.