Seeking Instagram Consultant

Stick around and try to get to level 2. I would listen to @Alexnvo. I heard about his demo in a meetup.

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We manage 40 accounts and my team has another 10 personal accounts. I’ll try to get the 20 comments in within the first 2 minutes on tomorrow posts. I’ll report back on how we do. I am unable to respond as I have reached my limit, Really nice meeting all of you. Will report back tomorrow.


i got 35 i do alone by phone… ya need a team? jeez…joke.
ya want 70 or more in the first 10 minutes – then let her alone( the post) – it will double your likes


I didn’t know @Alexnvo at the time but I was there for the demonstration. It was a glorious sight. I mean hella spammy but it produced results…no question there.


And I don’t do big pages for fun or profit. Too much time and energy for me. I only know a handful of people here who do. And I for sure only know 2 or 3 who can raise engagement on a page that size.

Next time I wanna see the demo.


did it the past 3 meetups – if i can make next one – i will do again.


i am Trade Kozy. Searching for a free consultant that has got a 1 Million account.

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