Unexpected Engagement - Help Me Understand

Didn’t get any story shares for either post. The viral one got a lot more saves. I’m guessing that says it all about the quality of the content right?

98 percent yess

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Hi All,

I have been doing some further testing and i do feel that this was really down to the quality of that initial post. I have upped my hashtag game on a subsequent post and got circa 600 hashtag impressions and this was a good quality post also.

I have also not stopped follow/unfollow so I do not believe this had an affect.

This just goes to show how important content actually is.

Thank you all for you input into helping me understand insatgram better!

when eventually your account gets big enough – and you do stop f/u, there will always be a drop of er the first 2-3 weeks after stoppage. then it stabalizes and goes back up to normal and often past levels before as insta algo gets used to account – ( this is where others freak out, they see a drop in er – worry and start blocking crap or go back to f/u. unwilling to wait that time until the account stands on own two feet. it is normal and healthy.


Ok thank you so much!

Hi all,

I have been monitoring closely and have noticed that I am still struggling with hashtag impressions. For me they’re so inconsistent.

The following post really took off with my followers the engagement has been great and one of my best so i thought this one is really going to fly! But, only 16 or so hashtag impressions!

The hashtags I used were carefully selected based on the amount of likes required to get on the top sections and they were staggered so in theory should have grown with the post but the hashtag impressions just didn’t do anything!

I have been speaking to some peeps from a group I’m in and they are experiencing much more consistent hashtag impressions than I am.

I thought I had was maybe I’m being restricted because I use 30 hashtags a lot, maybe bring the number of hashtags I use down. Or as I’ve had a like block here and there maybe I’ve just been restricted over all…

This is really bugging me as you may have guessed.

Does anyone else out there consistently receive a good number of impressions from hashtags??? Does anyone have any tips or further ways I can test?

Look forward to hearing anyones input. I really wanna get this nailed so we can all better understand the patterns behind the curtain!



I have the same problem with hashtag any solutions ?

When is an an account “big enough” to stop f/uf? :slight_smile:
Just asking as I never heard that there is a “big enough”…

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I stopped one account at 10k last September if I remember. Now it’s at 53 k. I stopped one at 128k in July of last year. Now it’s a 137k --sucks
Depends if it can grow in its own. Only you know by testing