1:3 client/scraper Ratio enough?

I’m planning to scale my accounts amount up, but I am not sure about the scraper/client account ratio. Is 1:3 (client account/scrapers) still enough if you plan to hit the daily limits (or near the limits) for the client accounts? I use the follow, contact, story view and like comment tool.

Yes, I think 3 scrapers for each main account is fine

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I thought so to, but to ensure I was even thinking about a 1:6 or higher, just in case.

yes 1:3 ratio is good if you can put more it will be even better 4 or 5 but it’s not necessary you can achieve what you need using that ratio

1:3 ratio on account/scrapers is good. That way you will always have and available scraper to use, even if one gets delayed.

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Yes that’s correct, since IG has changed a lot on their api policy the scrapers will get many API blocked so it better to have many accounts.

you can start with 1:3, then if you plan to run more tools on that account and if you are using a lot of filters for the tools, you can increase it to 1:6 main to scraper ratio.