10+ Years of YouTube Marketing Experience: Ask Me Anything

I can’t really see a scenario where there would be any reason to scrape users- only videos. For YouTube slaves, you comment on videos that are uploaded with the slave accounts. The main mistake people make when running a mother-slave setup for YouTube is video selection. Meaning, the videos they comment on. Why comment on a video about real estate if you create gaming videos?


i mean some dont know how they done it tbh (again russian hittin hard on this , saw that they scrape likers of some videos , yeah guys are scraping private data complex but possible :grin:) do subscribe/unsubscribe method similar to f/uf and they make channel public so users they hit get notified with it and from there can direct to main channel or anything like that

i wanted to know also if its possbile to reuse 'fairuse ’ content(compilations…) stuff that other creators already transformed it to ‘fair use’ , i dont want to monetize them with adsence , just through different stuff (affiliate ,ecommerce…) , as you can see on ig pretty much All account are reposting not been talkin about slaves account that do it non stop , but when i search on youtube i barely find reposted /reuploaded content on different channel , so is it possible or i need to be 100% owner of content to do this

Do you know of a basic guide for how to use automated comments to grow subscribers?

Ultimately, the way you automate comments is the same way you would manually leave comments. Automation is simply meant to scale processes. So, create comments (syntax comments for scale), figure out a targeting option (or manually gather video URLs), and start leaving comments- it’s not a very complicated process.

Where is the best place to buy a YT account. I mean most of the ones I’m seeing are Indian. I need a solid tier 1 account that can be monetised.

I’ve never purchased a YouTube account. 99.9% of the time they’re filled with fake subscribers and fake views, rendering them useless aside from being approved for monetization. Why not just pay for views and subscribers instead of trying to buy a channel?

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Yes. Now I’ve been for a month straight on sites looking to buy and everyday I’m thinking that growing one is the best way. Your point hits the idea home even more

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Really interesting topic, lots of valuable information.
I’ve seen many companies ditching completely facebook and instagram ads and their traffic comes from youtube in 90-95% from like 1-2 years, previously it was mostly fb ads and ig.
Do you think it’s because of the trends and people spend more time watching content than on social media nowadays, or the ROI is better on yt ads?

The ROI on YouTube ads can be better than with Facebook or Instagram ads for sure, but this won’t be universal across the board. Meaning, some companies might have a target audience that respond better to video ads on YouTube than written ads on Facebook.

To be honest, Facebook ads are getting into Google ads territory in regards to pricing, whereas you can still earn an ROI with YouTube ads without pitching a $997 product.

I will say, organic reach on YouTube is 1000% better than on Facebook or Instagram. YouTube doesn’t cut reach willy-nilly to get people to purchase ads. Facebook/Instagram doesn’t care about their users and only care about generating revenue. Even if it means making the user experience 1000% worse, Facebook/Instagram will make the change if it leads to more revenue for them down the line.


Thanks for making this post… What recommendations do you have for an hip-hop artist looking to grow on youtube. his only content currently is music videos and they are released only once or twice per month. also its very hard to SEO because the layout of titles and keywords isnt really anything that will bring traffic to an artist thats not known yet. I have tried bringing in traffic through out side sources such as facebook and reddit. but facebook views from ads do well but only on their platform im at 1 cent per view. they do not convert to the youtube channel. also reddit has been unsuccessful the mods always take down our videos for some reason. What can we do to bring in more daily views, comments and subscribers?? thank you we are open to other content ideas such as podcast type to produce more constant content.

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If your main concern is view count, you could run a YouTube advertising campaign, set a low cost per view (CPV) and target 3rd-world countries. If you want to build a legitimate audience and not just have a high view count on the videos, you’ll need to produce vlog-style content, a podcast, etc.


Hey Smylie

I’m new to the forum & as a first read, this was great! I manage a signed artist. Got a couple questions for you.

#1. If someone is potentially interested in hiring you for a custom campaign/channel management, how would they do so?

#2. I have a residential proxy subscription with SmartProxy. I’m considering buying 250 YouTube accounts & using Jarvee PRO to add 250 views daily to videos, smart idea?

Jarvee PRO has a search & like functionality built in so I was assuming it would be great to help grow the channel.

Thanks for this thread!


Unfortunately, I’m not actively taking on any channel management clients- I’m too busy! Feel free to ask me any questions you have in this thread though.

I’ve never personally done this, but it would be worth trying out. If views stick, then this can definitely work, but you’ll need to do some testing to figure out if YouTube will catch on to what you’re doing or not.


Thanks for the reply Smylie! I wish you offered management, but regardless I really appreciate your reply & look forward to learning more daily

So let me ask you something

How exactly do SMM panels provide bot views? The ones that are cheap and stick? I’ve noticed a lot of them re-use the same service, so I’m assuming they have the same provider, but what is the exact process of providing bot views to a video?

ALSO I will run tests using the JARVEE PRO method I mentioned above and I’ll keep you updated on the progress.

@Smylie thank you for all of this. I wish I had access to VIP so I could review that as well. A few questions for you :slight_smile:

  1. Does uploading transcripts/subtitles to your video make much of a difference? I’ve read some reports stating it does. What’s been your experience if any? My thinking is that upon uploading the video the transcript/subtitles add to the metadata/SEO of the video. I’ve noticed the auto-generated transcript takes some time after release to complete. Mind you, i’d upload the transcript in addition to creating strong content, strong title, strong description, adding tags, etc.

  2. Have you had any experience with Youtube engagement groups? The though here being that a group of similar youtubers agree to watch and comment on youtube videos soon after release, similar to IG engagement groups.

Thanks all around :slight_smile:

I think one question outside of youtube, something about your personality how do you find the strength and preserverence to work and keep consistent. I work at home to and I find so hard to focus on my tasks, I do a lot but a lot of procrastination. I end up watching some movies or YouTube videos, reading the forums everything but not doing my job.

Thank you for sharing your experience.
I was wondering if you are using Jarvee to automate your accounts?

Transcripts can help from an SEO standpoint, but they won’t cause a video to automatically rank in the top position in the YouTube search results if the other metadata items (title, description, tags) aren’t properly optimized. If you can add them to your videos, it can’t hurt, but your primary focus should be on properly optimizing your title, description, and tags.

I’ve never personally used any of these because just increasing the view count of a video won’t cause it to perform better. In fact, engagement groups like this might actually hurt the performance of videos, as YouTube will potentially begin to recommend/suggest videos to the wrong audiences, leading to a decrease in click-through rate.

I will be honest, my ability to persevere and focus has waned many times over the years. However, I’ve always been good at forcing myself to go to my computer at 8:00 AM, turn it on, and do what’s on my to-do list for the day. Showing up on a daily basis is very important I think- if you let yourself slip for 1, 2, 3, days, you’ll end up forming a habit of missing work.

Another thing that has helped me a lot is not doing work that makes me want to have a mental breakdown. For example, I did freelancing on Fiverr full time from 2016 to 2017 and it made me miserable dealing with the low-quality clients on the platform, so I stopped. Along the same lines, I fell in love with Instagram automation in 2017 but when Instagram started making it impossible to go more than a week without getting phone verifications, limiting reach, etc I stopped doing it. Of course, not every task required to complete a job is enjoyable, but if the tasks are part of an overall project that you enjoy working on, it makes it easier to get through them.

In regards to pure productivity, what I started doing a year or so ago was using Cold Turkey to block websites that used to/do distract me. For example, I block Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and Twitter at the start of every month. I go on these websites on the last day of each month, see I missed nothing, and re-block them for another month. Also, I’ve started using a stopwatch to track when I’m actually working and when I’m not. When I’m actually working, the stopwatch runs. When I go to the bathroom, get up to get a drink, etc the stopwatch gets paused. 2-minute time blocks away from work add up during the day. It’s amazing how people think they work “x” hours but really only work 50% or less.

I do not use Jarvee to automate my YouTube accounts. To be honest, I just don’t want to go through the headache of testing proxies, limits, etc like I did for 2 years with Instagram. My strategy is simply to do YouTube in the more whitehat manner possible- create search-friendly videos targeting good keywords, upload, repeat. Commenting on other channels to attract attention can certainly work, whether it’s done manually or with an automation software, but I can’t be bothered to do it manually or go through the headache of automating it.


I understand your frustration but managing Youtube with Jarvee is nothing like IG, Instagram is very strict and need a lot of tests, YT not that much so in case you want to try in the future you will find it much esiear.

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The best way is to use Jarvee for the mother slave Youtube Channel growth. And how to do that, just by using the Comment tool, set the child accounts to send the comments to the users based on the keyword search, add desired keywords that are going along with your desired niche, use complicated SPIN SYNTAX and start it.

Of course, you need to be a little bit creative by creating the comment text, but it guarantees the success, I have grown and monetized my channel like that, and I’m using those child accounts to watch my videos.