5 hours passed after aproval and the FB ad is still not working


Does someone experienced a situation when a paid ad doesn’t work?
I set up a campaing as usual, created an ad set and an ad in it, set some lifetime budget and the ad was approved and runnig. Came back to check on it 5 hours later and it made no progress:
Only 0.01 of my 35 budget was spent and the ad set time is almost over…

Usually it’s OK, but somtimes things like that happen. Anyone knows why it could occure?
This is the ad set I created:

Thanks in Advance,


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There is a timeline for ads to enter, and when your competition is large it may take longer to serve your ads.

Use the same ad in another campaign to see if you can get on the timeline again.

This is no news sometimes this happens is normal.

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Hi @brazukas,

I don’t see the situations in your post… did you edited it?

Please read it again!

OK Thanks! So next time you suggest to set the bid price higher if the ad is set to a “rush hour” of business?

Leave the value optimized.
If your ad has enough engagement the value of the click will be very low.

Another thing always make at least 3 ads for the same campaign. Only change the images. This is one way to get one of your ads faster on the timeline. And then with that it is possible to do a good optimization.

Whats the ad look like? Show a pic.

Also that is not enough time. You need a day minimum and 3 to fully optimize.

Thanks All! It’s probably really the timing because the other parameters are the same as my other ads… will try to create the post earlier