500k posts AND NO POSTS ? WTF?

hello, i recently seen a user on instagram saying he have 500k posts and i actually cant see any.

the username of that werdo is mathias_santourian
(i cant include link sorry.)

is there is a way to do that ? im willing to pay.

The account is probably in the process of getting disabled or it is private. Perhaps explain better. Cheers.

Perhaps he hide the posts

Can you hide them like that? I know if you archive everything, the “Posts” count also drops

@oh_do_you_think that would also be my first guess. Since it is a behavior I see a lot from reactivated accounts. It could also be a bugged account, in case the account is really old. I did not check that tho.

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This guy just do some coding, if you give a deeper look at this stuff, it’s not only a mass-posting feature, he also send thousands of DMs and get unlimited of comments / views and he’s doing himself with a script, apparently