75% Impressions from "Other"?

You’d be surprised at how many people use that following tab. I had one friend that literally just used his Instagram to see what his friends were liking.

It’s interesting because Instagram doesn’t encourage us to use that feature enough.

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Yeah it’s crazy, so you also think that the following tab is the place where all the traffic comes from?

I have posts where 90% of impressions comes from “other”.

DM’s are the biggest along with story shares – saves are a indicator how good the post is running.

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Hey Alexnvo,

Do you have any idea what a good amount of saves are? This is from an influencer account. Engagment for the account is about 11% and off of reach it’s closer to 25%.

depends on the niche – use your best ones to develop a idea – for me, its 60 percent over 100 %

You mean users who share the post via DM?

by story shares you mean users who share the post to their stories?

Yeah I noticed that aswell. The best is when a post has all types of engagement but I feel like saves are the most powerful ones. Do you have any tips to get more saves? I noticed that posting instruction posts works very well.

The post I gave here in the example has over 2x more saves than likes. Getting more saves than likes is definitely more powerful to reach new users compared to getting more likes than saves.


That was a good share, good to know.
How do you pull this off though? How can you encourage users to push save rather than like?

Well I don’t think that you need to try to get more saves than likes. It’s both you need. But usually people give out likes easily but only save posts when they think it’s really valuable.

I tried paying around with letting people know in the caption that they can save the post and use it later but I haven’t seen a large increase in saves. I had most success posting instruction images/videos for example workout instructions.

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Do you share your post to the DM groups or your friends after posting it??



Congratulations for the result! I think the post was very nice.
Do you use power likes?

thank you. no I dont use powerlikes.

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You’ve probably done your job right when it comes to hashtags, so you get more visibility by the people that are not following you.

you see in the insights how many impressions come from hashtags, it’s 73’369. So compared to the all 1.32M the impressions, it’s not even that much.

sorry I was late, just saw this one…yea – ask. Not kidding, ask – I tell them its really good and might want to save for later to read… my posts are often long as quotes — I seen saves at 50% or more first 10 minutes and just telling them often does the trick

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I posted a picture and tagged a product in it. It got good engagement but average against other posts. Then it started blowing up again. Everyday now for a few days it gets lots of likes.

I have the same problem, I just want to know where it comes from, anyone know?

in following tab do you mean the tab that shows the activity of your followers?? I don’t have that tab anymore!
btw, thanks I always wondered what that others is.

Have you tagged accounts on your post?

Have you shared the post on Facebook, Pinterest or blog ?

Have someone reposted your post ?

All these can be impressions from others