So I’ve discovered my superpower.
For the last 4 months I’ve discovered whenever I do an A/B split test I get identical results.
My latest endeavour was working on optimizing an email campaign. After 2,000 emails sent
Same number of opens (off by like 0.1%)
Same number of link clinks (exactly)
Same response rate (exactly. Both positive and negative levels I kid you not)
Same number of unsubscribes (exactly)
Same number of bounces
Same number of sales for near identical amounts of money (one was $10 more in overall)
I even got the same number of out of office autoresponses in the test…not that it would affect my actual results but I counted just to see.
Completely different subject lines and differently worded mails.
So if ever you want to spend a bunch of time and money to find out two very different sales pitches are equally as good so flip a coin…I’m your guy.