Really interested to know more about game development, tried once to code Flappy Bird in Swift ( I know that I’m talking about mobile gaming ) but ended up on youtube searching for what each line of code does and gave up !
Yea man it’s not easy, I’m a pretty bad developer myself, lol:) Swift and Xcode are OK for making simple games, but you’ll run into too many problems, so Unity is where magic happens:)
I use Unity to code, and C# as my weapon of choice, it just has more options and such:)
Right now I’m less into the development side and have left that to a small team of mine to figure out.
I’m more interested in the marketing aspect of mobile games now:)
I’d say that, developers are a dime a dozen, but understanding the business side of it is what will make you happiest, and I’ve learned IG is probably one of the best networks to promote mobile apps/games!
I’d say it was a good try with Swift and Flappy Bird, but master the IG aspect of it and you’ll be swimming in oppertunities:)