A long overdue introduction

Hello Everyone,

It looks like I have not introduced myself just yet and as much as I dont enjoy talking about myself it would be somewhat of a faux pas not doing so.

I am a regular 31 year old from Poland with a bit of too many interests to list here. I have started my adventure with automation about a year ago and right now I have a fair share of IG clients to handle.

I have gained tons of knowledge from this forum and I actually feel pretty bad that I haven’t Contributed as much as some people do but will do my best to bring you back some value whenever I can!

Thanks so much for having me here!


Have you solved the recent block problem?

Umm thanks for the welcome I guess. :joy:

In some ways I have. About 30% of my accounts are running with no blocks and the number is increasing everyday, unfortunately that is probably not the ideal topic for that conversation

Haha, sorry, it’s my mistake.

welcome to the thread bro.


Better start late than never :slight_smile:

Welcome to the active part of your citizenship on MPSocial :partying_face:


Welcome bro, I hope that you can learn and share high quality knowledge from this forum.
Don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any problem. Cheers!


Well, I welcome you cordially! Remember that I love you <3


Welcome!!! Let’s make some moneeeey


Hey friend! been seeing you around the forums, good contributor.

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Great to have you here and already seing you contribute positively :boom::beers:
Welcome onboard

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Welcome to the party!


Welcome!! :wink: hope we can all provide something to learn to and from each other

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Welcome, make yourself at home :slight_smile:


Welcome bro, you sure do your best, since you have contributed a lot so far!

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