Account disabled but still receive IG updates to email

I have an odd situation and am wondering whether anyone else had this. One of my accounts got disabled a while back and I’m using a restoring service to get it back. Sometimes, Instagram doesn’t send an email that an account actually got restored, so you have to manually check the status. On two accounts, I only found out because I suddenly started receiving emails again with updates from Instagram.

On this particular account, I received an email saying that the terms of service will change for the specified (disabled) account:

I would assume that Instagram doesn’t send these updates/emails to disabled accounts, so I checked in the browser if the account exists but couldn’t find it. When I tried to log back in through Jarvee, the account still showed up as disabled.

Is it possible that it got disabled, re-activated, and then disabled again without anything happening? I got the email a few hours ago and just checked, so the time window is really short. It just strikes me as very weird, so am wondering whether anyone else had experienced something similar.

Update: I just received the same email on another account that was disabled and still shows as disabled…

I have one account where the account was disabled at one point. At one point I saw that I still receive updates on the Gmail email related to this account, I can see the account on IG, but I’m not able to login to the account and get a different kind of loops when I try to login…

Yeah, probably that account is lost, but I’ve heard many experiences from people that have been very persistent with contacting IG and they actually managed to retrieve their accounts.

well, I have successfully been able to recover some accounts. And there it was the same that I suddenly started receiving emails again from Instagram about new content. That’s how I found out that they got recovered. This is different though as it’s specifically about the new terms and the accounts are still disabled. Perhaps every account gets that notification, even if they are in the disabled state, having been appealed.

I don’t think so. It looks like IG sent that email to all accounts. one of my disabled accounts received the same email this morning. I never submit the appeal form for that account.

Instagram is so weird…