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plus he only performs follows/unfollows… that alone is already suspicious for IG, that’s why it’s better to use other tools as well to make the actions look authentic
Hi jessi - but does that take into the 140-150 actions quota??
so say u use 3 other tools, then it will be split 4 ways?
40f, 40likes, 40 views, 40 stories etc
No, the number of actions per day varies per tool. What I mean is that other tools should be running on it too so it’s not easy to be tracked by IG that the actions were automated.
Why are you scraping with your main accounts? if the scraping is done with scrapers then you do not need your mains to confirm the user’s have a following between 5-1000 or have a profile picture or anything else. Just use your mains to follow users, also use all the tools at Jarvee disposal with lower settings to look more natural. Also, do not follow users everyday have your accounts rest at least two/three days per week with random rotations.