Action Blocks on Instagram

I see…I’ll try that, thanks!

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Since Instagram likes are widely abused for growth, for spam etc and for like farms, they are more restricted than follows I think at this point.

Like, Follow, and DM are the most widely abused and that’s why they have limits as compared to liking comments etc.

When an account is consistently sending out hundreds of likes per day, you are sending a few thousand API calls. I’ve noticed reduced reach (impressions, etc) on any account that uses the API this way.

The “Mother” account doesn’t use these actions to grow and will have better reach as everything will seem more organic.


Have you noticed a threshold of API calls where reach is throttled or reduced ? Like something to stay under or kind of across the board any API calls reduce reach in your data?

I don’t monitor the endpoints or API calls in any meaningful way, so this question is better suited for @HenryCooper.

I can only speak about JARVEE since I don’t use anything else and have no idea what you use.

There are multiple ways to lower the number of API calls. Some are easier than others. JARVEE was certain things built in to minimize, as well as options for slave scrape accounts to lower the necessary API calls for any function such as like or follow etc.

I used to be more analytical and would have tested with lots of accounts, but I have been busy for the last year plus starting a brick and mortar business in no way related to Instagram (except that we also use IG of course).

I would think outside of what a normal person does. We can all theorize or guess an average, only FB/IG have the real data.

There is laundry list of things that can and will reduce reach. Some are theory, some are hard fact.

My business account I have babied since I created it via 4G 2 years ago. Only on my actual home IP or mobile proxy.

VERY conservative actions. Like a 6 month warm up period, lol. I never botted it hard, basically kept it very random and low actions, but I have reduced reach. The content is “meh” (it’s a business IG guys what can I say? Plus my wife posts whatever the hell she wants, it’s her business too I guess).

So yeah, I would think no normal human follows 200 people per day 5 days a week and is ALWAYS able to unfollow EXACTLY whoever unfollowed them. I did gentle likes to grow for about 6 months. Conservative, maybe 300 per day. I don’t even send DM’s.

I stopped all tools for a month and reach went back up, posting manually and zero JARVEE actions.

I have a M/S setup raring to go, I just need more SIM’s and am having trouble rolling back my old iPhone (iOS updated 12 will not allow me to use non carrier SIM’s, anything under will).

So once I have it going I can give more concrete proof since I will be using IG analytics.


This whole M/S concept is so intriguing… definitely will follow the journey and do some testing of my own over the next two months.

It’s not cheap, it takes time and testing. Be prepared to lose a few hundred to several thousand in testing, accounts, SIM’s etc.


Definetly is haha, started doing it 6 months ago, did a small mistake, lost all my accounts 3 months ago… Since then I’ve been testing and testing, thought I figured it out (even with ipv6 proxies), now all of a sudden follow blocks on most of them… :slight_smile:
Gotta keep going tho haha, patience + theory + ACTION will eventually work…

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But since this thread is about action blocks I might aswell just ask here :slight_smile:
I’m pretty sure it’s not the proxies that caused the sudden follow blocks, don’t think it’s the account creation either. What I think might be possible is that instagram slowly recognizes the api of Jarvee and GMT2, since people are experiencing many followblocks on those 2 lately…
@wortime what do you think about this? Could this be possible?

Then whats left is:
-the amount of actions you automate
-the content you use

But also if you say you are sure I just have to ask: Which proxys are you using and how did you create your accounts?

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Forgot to mention that haha…
Obviously super low actions (gets blocked after 1-2 follows through api)
I can follow as much as I want with the EB, that’s why I think it could be the api…
The way I created many accs, which worked pretty well to be honest, all those blocks happened all of a sudden on all accs… On top of that I also bought accs from different sources, which also worked well initially…
I am probably still going to try this new method on how to create accs with own phone and see if it still could be the acc creation…

are you using the same proxy provider for all your accounts?

Yup, but I know many who also use them without issues (even same subnet), that’s why I think it’s not that… But who knows, could still be :confused:

@kripke we can also continue this conversation in your thread, since it is related imo :slight_smile:

I just thought they could hve flagged the subnet recently

I don’t use only 1 subnet… I mean I guess time will tell, will just try different things and will work it out somehow!


10% - 20% follow blocks for me :frowning_face:

@staystyled I dont think IG suddenly recognized anything with Jarvee or GMT2, I can almost gaurantee if their main priority was shutting down every single automation, they could get pretty damn close and recognize patterns easily… they already know them. There would just be very little engagement and activity on IG if that happened hahaha, bad for investors.

That being said, I’m thinking it’s most likely your proxies… unless you’re doing crazy automation above typical levels. We run a good amount of accounts and proxies were the sole driver of action blocks across the board.


They’re most likely being blocked by the API being used, not soley the proxy… as alot of the people who have been experiencing follow blocks in the past 48 hours are still able to follow with said accounts in the IG app and the browser.

I have accounts on the same subnet some that are blocked, some that aren’t. It’s pretty random from everything I’ve looked at. Even some of my the ones running on residential IPs have blocks on them that never usually get blocks. Only time will tell what the outcome is, but if it is that they’re blocking some actions from the API, it’s not like it’s an unfixable solution. Time and patience and things will work themselves out.


I also think it can correlate to PV issues many of us are having.

When you mentioned waves of like blocks, I’m experiencing similar stuff with daily PVs. I have 2-5 PVs out of 13 clients accounts every day at 1pm (gmt0 time). Exactly that time, all on different proxies - mobile, data center, residential. Some resting, some under 100 daily actions, some at 800 daily actions. Seems nothing is really related.

Very strange.


Yup I also think so, don’t think it’s too proxy related, more related to the API…
Also have some accs. on same subnet running, some not, a friend of mine is having no issues with the same proxies…
Yeah seems indeed very random haha @BruceSilduk

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