Action Required status

Since the last update there are a very few accounts who get daily 3x the ACTION REQUIRED status instead of valid.

When I click VERIFY ACCOUNT again they immediately are valid again and start following again without problems.

How can I overcome this from happening? Since I can not monitor this 24/7.

Enable automatic PV or EV in the social platform settings of JV

Is that also possible for client accounts? Because I do not have access to their email or phone account.

You need to have acces to the email and # in the account and least.

That is impossible when running client accounts.

I am looking for a way to auto verify when the account is action required. Just to be clear: there is no EV or PV. Just need to push the button and immediately valid.

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I would like the option too, for Review Terms as well :slight_smile:

@DanielAdmin Is there a way you guys can input an option to auto verify if the account is action required? Several accounts are experiencing this (just to be clear: no ev or pv but a simple push on the button is needed from my side and the accounts immediately starts following again without problems)

“Action Required” seems bug in new jrv… I am sure its not PV/EV. when we click “Verify” it immediately change to VALID. and i checked manually there is no EV/PV for those accounts. It seems a bug.

Yes I’ve seen this as well, no EV or PV, immediately goes valid once clicking verify