Adding hashtags to twitter rss feeds & retweeting from main twitter page?

Hello, everyone!

I was just wondering if anyone knew of a way to add hashtags to posts that are automatically scheduled to post to Twitter via RSS Feeds. I have my set up nicely, but not able to add hashtags. I can’t put hashtags in my titles to accomplish this for each post we add on the site, as it would look suspect. Is there a way to add hashtags to RSS Feed posts? Right now, I just have photo, title and link posting, but need a few hashtags to extend the reach a bit more. If someone can let me know how to achieve this, IF it is achievable, I would appreciate it.

Also, is there a way to retweet from my main page certain posts? I’m assuming I would have to make a special hashtag to accomplish this - based on some research I did a while back on here, is this the only plausible way?

Thank you in advance!

Why don’t you use signature field in Campaign’s Overview tab?

You can enable it, increase it to 100% add your hashtags there and they will be added to each post published through that campaign. You can even use spyntax there to make it more random

{#hashtag1 #hashtag2 | #hashtag2 #hashtag3 | #hashtag1 #hashtag3}

That was just an example, it’s up to you how many you’ll add and what combo you’ll use.

I think that’s your best option.


I missed this :slight_smile:

You can use specific tweets based on URLs, but that requires manual work (adding tweets you want to retweet).
Maybe Advanced Search operators can help here if you want to make it automatic, but it also requires some preparations.


OK, thank you very much @Adnan!

I guess RSS will continue to suffice - it’s doing its job, so I will not worry about the retweeting, plus, that may bring heat my way from the Twitter ‘police.’ LOL. I will try what you have stated - RE: Hashtags. Thanks, again! :grinning:

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Im also trying to setup a twitter rss campaign, so this thread was really useful :slight_smile:

I have a additionally question, can any wordpress plugin add tags to the feed so i can get #tags as #hashtags?

Hi @Adnan, could you repost the link to Advanced Search operators please? The previous one is broken.

You can also use Twitter Advanced Search Operators - Jarvee for reference on Twitter search operators