Adding Mobile proxy to Jrv

Can anyone guide me as to how I link my mobile proxy to Jarvee?

Go to Proxy Manager

Oh and please use JV (its the rules here)

Go to “Add Proxy” and type in your Proxy details

Thats great,

Ive just done this and the following proxy error occurred;

is it a Socks5 or Http Proxy?
Only http works with jarvee

Its a Mobile proxy

no that is not what i mean.
There is a difference between Socks5 and Http.
Mobile Proxy just means that its Mobile Data
But the Socks5 and http means how you can connect to the Proxy

Where did you get the Proxy? Often times you can change the Proxy from Socks5 to Http

Hi Derdam, I think I’ve managed to sort it! thanks for your help

Hey, @mattbonner @Derdam
Kindly tell me what proxy are you using for Jarvee and works well?
Help please a beginner girl, thank you

hello Elena, there is no need to spam 10 threads with the same question, this isnt reddit

to answer your question, @HenryCooper and many others are offering their proxies, use the top right search button to look for providers

can you tell us how do you sort it? because I have the same problem

you have not setup the proxy right!