I have a question to the people using jvzoo. I saw online people comparing clickbank and jvzoo. Either i am really stupid or something else but jvzoo and clickbank doesn’t offer the same service :D. On clickbank there are let’s say weight loss products which you can sell to people that actually want to lose weight. So my question is this. Are there lose weight/yoga/beauty products on JVZOO that you can actually sell to the end consumer that actually wanna buy this things to use them to lose weight and so on? Thank you in advance
No, and you’re not stupid just sadly misinformed. JVZOO only sell products to benefit people like marketers and other online tools and what not, there are no consumer products like, or that i’ve ever seen…
I browse and browse and just cannot find consumer products. Too bad Clickbank have some stupid new software which for some reason doesn’t give to a lot of people to make accounts including myself.
My best advice is do more research, then do a little bit more on what you’ve already researched. Then sign up for stuff. saves alot of time and frustration. Patience is key as ive recently learned. I haven’t fiddled with click bank so i woudln’t know… But JVZOO has great products for us marketers if you know how to use them effectively and have a plan to begin with.