Another "amazing" Pinterest Change - Goodbye to the Like

In some of my posts I mentioned how weird changes Pinterest makes. Recently they stopped showing who repinned the pins, you’re not able to see the list of users who repinned your pins anymore.

Today I found out that we can say Goodbye to the… Like button on Pinterest.

You can read more about it below. Incredible, now it doesn’t look anything similar to platform where I earned my first $$$ online :slight_smile: Too bad.


May be, pinterest is going to die like google plus.:cry::cry::cry:

Well, there’s one difference between two of them. Google Plus was never alive :smiley:


But, two year before, I was getting good traffic from google+,but now a days, it’s really hard to get traffic from google+, seems there were no active users like before​:joy::joy::joy:

It never worked for me… Maybe I haven’t gave it enough time when it was on its peak. Anyway, too late now I guess.

Yes, now it’s too late. I have now only believe on facebook, when facebook stops working like this…then noobie failed badly…would you please suggest any other network which is as good as facebook.

Nothing is like Facebook my friend, if done correctly.

Like botton is kind of useless to be honest, if people like you stuff they will save it, i think it is better in the end.

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I decided to start my business in pinterest …
Is there any hope for have a traffic from this network?!!

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Of course there is, if done properly.

Check Pinterest Marketing category to see what others are doing: