Any expert in raspberry pi and 4g proxy here?

hi everyone , i need help to find an inexplicable problem .
first time i setup 6 proxy on a raspberry pi 4 4gb ram .was working perfectly on model huawei e3276 until i changed the dongles to e33762.i setup for new dongles , proxy works fine until i use them on JV . when i put accounts on them proxy go down , i tried to get back old dongles , but the same issue .So , proxy works until i use them on JV,i use mozilla to see the speed and is ok .i tried to use less dongles , but still the same problem , maybe here anyone experienced this . thank you
I just close JV and proxy goes online on mozilla , and here is the speed for the proxy

You will need http proxies, maybe thats your problem

what do you mean http proxy ?

when i use them on JV , and checking it on mozzilla i get this error when accesing dongle ip adress
If i close JV ,dongle ip is online instantly :

nobody have any idea ?

please help me

JV does not support socks5 proxies. Only http.

im not expert or anything but you need to find out the error message first and to do so type in command line dmesg it will output the tampon of the kernel so you can see whats happening maybe there’s a conflict in module’s kernel or something’s missing and my advice to you go check the raspberry community and try to see if its a known issue and im sure you 'll find the solution there

did you try to check with other browser ? and try also to use the proxy with another software and not jarvee and dont test both at once