I am doing a research study on the political science topic. I have heard that web scraping is very useful to gather valuable data online. I am thinking that might be a good way to start for my research. I know there are many listings says “top 10” “top 8” whatever, but I really have no idea which one should I use. I don’t know any python. I need an easy tool.
I’m in the process of having someone design me one through Upwork. Has been a bit of a mission with errors and mistakes but I’m almost there. Paid someone $60 just put an ad up it maybe worth doing If I get it going perfectly Ill let you know if you like! it’s to scrape insta bio data
octoparse.com seems pretty good other people in this forum mentioned it. I didn’t try it yet.
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Scrapebox is pretty good.
Thank you I am trying it now!