Anyone a cryptocurrency twitter account for sale?

Hi guys,

Looking for a big cryptocurrency twitter account, DM me if you have some for sale.


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Looking for the same. Does not have to be specifically Crypto based, can be Fintech or Technology.

Min Size 1K-5K.

I had a good source, but now dried up. No bot accounts please!:no_entry_sign:

Also need one if anyone has some leads :slight_smile:

Will ask my friend, as far i know he had some time ago such account for sale.

if anyone got something interesting, hook me up

i have lots of twitter pages for sale ! you can contact me on telegram group @socialmediagroup

check my msgs on telegram or we can share our whatsapp number. so we will easily get in touch with us.

I’m looking for some too. Shoot me a shot in my telegram DM’s thanks @bomidon