I have big problems in hosting and domain i don’t understand anything on it as i don’t like it that much (that’s why i just do cloaker) problem is that now i want to know how to do a thing:
I have a cpa link( example.io/didjdjzkdbw ) and i want to make it a simple link like pizza.io,or .com… I have done it on freenom it worked but they say too many request If anyone know step by step please share it or help on private
Not to sound harsh, man, but you will have to google and learn this by yourself. I doubt anyone will want to spoonfeed you around here
Just buy the domain and the have the domain redirect everyone to the cpa link
Inknow but there is no real guide on it what i found out is redirections in freenom called url forwarding
Without the usage of a host i don’t need it right all i have to use is a domain ?
Every domain provider is different, Namecheap for example: https://www.namecheap.com/support/knowledgebase/article.aspx/385/2237/how-to-redirect-a-url-for-a-domain
So for i want i just focusnon the domain and forget about hosting ?
in freenom account you go to my domain then click on manage freenom dns and you set it like this
if you face any problem let me know btw clickgum is the cloacker im using
What is clickgum is it lioe advertsafe a cloaker of links or what ?
Haha yeah i know that but i don’t think it has a cloaker because even on freenom if you go to urlforwarding you can see cloak if you set url but it’s a low quality cloak as if he didn’t exist( i think )
you should read the answer till the end and read it twice or more cus in my reply even the question you asked in your last post its already answered
There are several way’s to archive that:
- URL Forwarding in your domain registrar’s interface (depends on your registrar)
- a special just-for-redirect provider like [domainit dot com/forwarding]
- a .htaccess file in the root of your webfolder example link
- load an inital javasscript file and redirect [google is your friend]
- redirect via the reverse proxy example
Sorry i tried to include a link for every example but are allowed to only insert two per post… (wtf @forum?)
Ok and what about link track now i have done urlforwarding of my cpa link to freenom and i want to track my freenom domain name which is a redirecter to the cpa link
just use bit.ly or similiar services.
yourdomain -> bit.ly -> cpa
I can recommend namecheap.pxf.io/XZkxM to get a Domain, if you dont find a solution to connect the Domain with your Host or CMS look at there forum. Blog or text them per Mail Life chat or something. I don’t know if the have a support. But in many case the support can help you realy well. Wish you good luck with your journey. But trust me in many cases its not so hard to do it. Sorry no nativ English.