APP Verifications- Very Annoying

So, I found a solution to this a few weeks ago. Just to leave the account for 5+ days and they go back to normal.

But atm i’m getting 1-2 a day and I can’t wait 5 days over and over.

Has anyone had success in passing these in mass? Can you use your face more than once?

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Why use a face? Scraps fly out. I just do reset device id, then verify, then immediately do email verify and that’s it. If the profile has not become valid, then I still do verify and that’s it.


Mine are slaves not scrapers. Would that still work? Mine are only phone verification

How much follows/unfollows are your slaves hit by “Confirm on app” is doing per day? I only get this verification when it reaches 150 or up on both follow/unfollows. But on scrapers I always got these “Confirm on app” when it reaches 500 calls and this one is annoying me.

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Only doing 100-120 a day on EB, not many on scrapers