Appeal block for disabled account.?

I am trying to recover a banned account and another user sent me a link to fill out from my desktop. The only issue isn’t I am not receiving any email responses after I submit my appeal…Usually I get a response either saying the page is reactivated or I get a response saying I violated terms, however it’s been 4 days with no response at all. Suggestions?

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Fill form again. They don’t always send email. I just got one back for a friend trying once a day. They did not send anything except on first reply to them. Did it 4 days in a row and finally got it back


I only got a reply back when i used another device.

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Normal … refill form daily and don’t expect one

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As of today when I fill out th appeal form on the desktop I get an error message saying “the short link you provided does not belong to a user name” is this an Instagram bug error? My page isn’t disabled, not deleted

Try again in few hours. Instagram buggy today


I don’t have access to that topic but thanks for the help! It honestly makes these situations easier to manage when people give helpful tips, this forum is great

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my bad. thought you did. just fill out daily until you get it back. might take few days or months. don’t give up. that simple.


A user on here told me it will help if I create a new email address to use to appeal with, is this true? Or should I continue trying with the email on my account? Still not getting any replies

i never had to do this so I do not know. I simply replied over and over, one account took 3 months to get back.


Did you appeal on the app or on your computer? I am appealing on app and getting no response. Appealed once on computer and received instant email reply asking for a picture of me holding a secret code. I sent the code in nd support replies with “if you think your account has been disabled by mistake log into the app and follow on screen instructions.” HELP!

Just repeat daily and don’t expect reply back …best done on computer

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Hi my account has been disabled by mistake a month ago they said they can’t reactivate it then they sent me asking for id I keep getting automated messages!! Can u help me please by sending me what form to fill out and how many times that works!

You have to keep filling out the form! I know someone else who had this issue that he did not get emails and trying this can help. Switch devices, and try public places. Also try from multiple emails, multiple times a day.

could be
email 3

Keep appealing its the only way. Sometimes I submitted 100+ appeals in a day. The only way is to keep going if the account is worth it !

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Hi which form should I fill out the appeal form that’s on the app or the business one?

Instagram has made some new updates, I think they are now blocking appeals that are not filled out through the app. A few weeks ago me and a friend recovered MANY accounts by appealing through links, now ever response says to appeal on app. I believe they now know what type of devices we are using, And blocking ones that aren’t the app

Did you ever stop using an email to send in appeals? For example, if you send in an appeal from one email address and they deny the request, do you keep appealing using that same email address and others? Or once they say no do you stop using that email address alltogeher?

I would try both. Maybe try from another device and/or desktop pc.

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