Artist Facebook page

What is the best way to actively grow a facebook page for an upcoming hip-hop artist? is paid advertisment and an ads expert the only way to grow on facebook now? or are there still blackhat tactics that can bring daily growth?

For an artist your main focus for the artist should be Soundcloud,Youtube, Spotify, and instagram
not facebook create a fan funnel using those platforms then move the fans to other platforms

youtube and instagram are our main channels right now. followed by spotify and soundcloud but im having trouble bringing daily consistent growth to everything. its a little overwhelming and we have seen a couple artist go viral on facebook so I wanted to look into that aswell. though I know facebook and twitter arent as important for us right now. our main focous and budget goes twords content creation. and we are on track to have a solid catalog of hq music videos and songs but I just feel its not getting out there as much as it should be and bringing on a team of people for the multiple platforms might help us more. though there are no easy answers. This Niche is probably one of the hardest to blow in right now especially without dyed hair and face tattoos… So just trying to separate the artist from any other person by bringing on less known tactics to help dominate these social channels.

I would spend my content creation time on youtube by having the artist doing daily blogs, Lyrics breakdowns and if they produce the song have them do production tutorials and do it everyday for 6 months on youtube and do the same on Ig (With hashtags) I would release 2 songs a month or once a week to balance the content out(On Youtube and Soundcloud). I would focus most of the growth on those 3 platforms and push them to spotify for soundcloud Reposts,Fangates and F/Uf are best to grow on the platform

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