Auto emailer solution?

Hello! I sell Instagram marketing service. Once a person signs up for a free trial in my website, I want him to get an automatic email with the text and the file attached (which explains our service rules, .pdf or .word file would be ok). Can anybody tell me how to get this “auto- email” script ? I would be using it for a wordpress website and would like it to be connected with my gmail. Would love to get an advise from you guys, what would be the best platform/paid solution to set up this thing. Thanks!

I’m a little bit late but look into wpforms, it has many features and you can customize e-mails that are being sent to users after they submit billing/signup form. I don’t recall if you can attach file to e-mail, but you can always upload file elsewhere and just send the link.

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thanks for your answer mate!

MailChimp is great for starters. But you need to use an email address that uses your own domain to send out welcome email.

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