> Be me > want to grow my Instagram > heard about MPsocial on another forum > join MPsocial newmpuser.exe > ghosttown,jpg > big banner says please read > ok.exe > sorrynoaccesstothattopic.png > looking for content > all level 2 > finally find user level explained by some cop @wortime > dude tells me to “get off his lawn” > wtf.pdf > thought this was place was supposed to be full of experts.com > nope.jpg > want to learn how to be instagram master and monetize my accounts > massive lag on getting to level 2 just to read shit
Keep getting badges for participation.
MFW I find out I have to be here for 3 months to get to level 2
Some of us seem hostile when you post here for first time, but trust me, most are good guys, willing to help if you ask right questions.
Truth is, most of the good stuff is in LVL2, so, you should work your way up by posting some good replies and opening couple of good threads. Don’t spam just to increase your posts count, you’ll get yourself banned.
That’s not true, here are LVL2 requirements:
visit at least 25 days, not sequentially
cast at least 100 likes
receive at least 200 likes ( this means you will have to be helpful and friendly within the community)
reply to at least 150 different topics
enter at least 350 topics (this means read them)
read at least 1500 posts ( a post is a reply, a topic/thread can have many posts)